ISRO has successfully launched its Geo-Synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) D6 which carried the India's latest communication satellite GSAT-6. The countdown for the launch began at 11:52 hrs IST on wednesday 26th August, 2015. The launch took place at 16:52 hrs IST on thursday 27th August, 2015 from Satish Dhawan Space Center, Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh. This is the second success of indigenously made Cryogenic stage after the 5th January, 2014 launch of GSLV=D5.
The success of GSLV-D6 is one of the significant milestones in the history of India's GSLV
programme. The earlier GSLV-D5 success had propelled India into an elite group of nations boasting of the home grown complex crogenic engine and stage after two failures in 2010. ISRO is the sixth space agency in the world after USA, Russia, Japan, China and France to have joined the indigenous cryogenic regime, which is very crucial for launch of heavier satellites weighing more than 2 tonnes.
Mission Director Mr R.Uma maheswaran described the success of GSLV-D6 as the "Onam Gift". Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi congratulated the ISRO team terming the launch as a phenomenal accomplishment. Here is a video of the GSLV-D6 Launch from Sriharikota.
The success of GSLV-D6 is one of the significant milestones in the history of India's GSLV
programme. The earlier GSLV-D5 success had propelled India into an elite group of nations boasting of the home grown complex crogenic engine and stage after two failures in 2010. ISRO is the sixth space agency in the world after USA, Russia, Japan, China and France to have joined the indigenous cryogenic regime, which is very crucial for launch of heavier satellites weighing more than 2 tonnes.
Mission Director Mr R.Uma maheswaran described the success of GSLV-D6 as the "Onam Gift". Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi congratulated the ISRO team terming the launch as a phenomenal accomplishment. Here is a video of the GSLV-D6 Launch from Sriharikota.
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